We know that email marketing is one of the cornerstones of your business.An effective newsletter should reach your entire target audience and don’t overlook the inboxes of your overseas customers.
Translating your email marketing strategy for Christmas
Year-end is the ideal time to review your business strategies, reconsider some and even bet on new ones before December is over.
Sending messages to your customers can radically transform your relationship. A personalised newsletter can reach your audience directly and translating these communications will boost your outreach. Christmas season and the new year are the perfect time to step into new markets and win new customers.
Whether through your website or a blog with content related to your product and/or service, you can find a way to convince your potential customer to choose your brand. Ever more customers enjoy and appreciate web content creation by brands.It is a sign that the brand is active and that it strives to improve the customer experience.
Why you should translate your newsletter
If you already have an established newsletter and you want to increase your open rate and grow your subscriber list, it may be time to translate your business newsletter into other languages.
If you have ever considered translating your website, you should also consider translating your newsletter to take the leap to other markets. Expanding your customer base in other countries also means keeping them informed in their language by generating content of interest to these new subscribers.
Opening up to new business markets means an increase in sales and the contracting of services. However, it is crucial that these potential new customers are up to date on all news and developments that you consider important for your product or service. This is the only way to increase traffic to your website and consolidate new buyer profiles.
As your mailing list grows, you should assess which new international markets you will have access to in order to translate your content into their languages. Plan your strategy well using the databases available and prepare for new challenges beyond the current boundaries of your business.
If you already have access to information about your potential customers (through marketing activities such as contact forms, subscriptions, resource downloads, etc.), you will be able to segment your target audience. It is crucial to segment your subscribers to take into account their specific needs and develop an optimised marketing strategy.
If you have already done so, you should now check whether your new overseas audience has commonalities or whether they match your buyer persona, for example. If this is the case, your newsletter should include content to match this profile.
What’s the cost of translating a newsletter?
There’re various factors determining the price of a translation service: delivery deadline, volume, language combination, etc. The same rule applies to a newsletter translation.
Though it is a set of messages and/or articles distributed via email, the word count remains the basis for calculating the service price. We will apply a value in euros per word, which is always determined by the language combination.
This means that the price for the translation of your newsletter will vary, depending if you need it in Swedish or English, for instance. This price is calculated on the number of words of the original text. It all depends on the number of communications in your newsletter and the frequency with which your subscriber list receives them.
Localising your newsletter translation (adapting your content to the target culture) can also affect the cost.
Therefore, the average budget for translating your newsletter depends on many factors. Contact us for a detailed quotation and a specific description of the services we offer to smooth the way for taking your business global.
Trust experts who know how to engage your audience
If you already know your new audience, their location and their business preferences, it’s time to get started with your new international newsletter. We are not just talking about translating the content of your newsletter, but about adapting it to a new market.
It’s essential to know and consider the social and cultural context of our potential new consumer profile in order to connect with them and generate interest in our product and/or service.
If you update the newsletter and translate it for new markets, it will be necessary to diversify our strategy and not leave loose ends. You will need to ensure that some of your social media marketing is also translated into these new languages.
Transcreating your newsletter and adapting it to each language and culture
This is when you must put yourself in the hands of experts, professional translation agencies that take into account the cultural differences that may exist between your local content and the one you launch abroad.
Talking about the benefits of a food product may be very useful in Spain, but it may not have the same effect in another market. Or perhaps a certain holiday is important in one culture, but insignificant in another. Transcending these cultural barriers is key to reaching new markets.
Translating your newsletter will often involve some rework, or transcreation, a process of adapting a message from one language to another, while maintaining its purpose, style, tone and context. That is why it’s important to work with mother-tongue, specialist translators who know what needs to be modified, adapted or even removed from your international newsletter.
Do not skimp on this as it’s crucial that your communication be effective and you connect with your target audience.
Your new international marketing strategy with Overseas Translations
If you decide to translate your newsletter or new social media content, remember that we will give you the best toll-free solution for the translation of your newsletter and/or inbound marketing strategies. You will receive a detailed quotation with several alternatives for you to choose the one that best suits your brand.
If you give us a green light, our team will dedicate all their efforts to adapting all types of content to your new market to ensure the success of your new business ventures.